Highschool of the Dead Season 2

Highschool of the Dead Season 2

Unfortunately Season 2 of Highschool of the Dead was not released on September 5, 2011, as many rumors stated it would be. The exact date of Season 2’s release is still unknown, but at least we know there will in fact be a Season 2. This was answered at Anime EXPO 2011 at the H.O.T.D panel Q/A’s. See the video of the question and answer yourself below.

403 Responses to “Highschool of the Dead Season 2”

  1. i can’t wait so watch this upcoming high school of the dead .. !! my most favorite anime in the whole wide world. .!!!

  2. ai chan says:

    Ha ha ha ha that video is funny , I got a better one than that .Met Araki sensei before for Death NOte and for this one too.

    Its a not a good sign when a second season is getting delayed too much but then again there wasnt enough material for a while either.

    Sales always dictates a lot when a second season is made or not plus the noise the fans make on the matter.
    But who knows…

    Anyway That panel at AX was fun , it was crazy.

  3. RBuenemann says:

    Is there anyone with a new update about HOTD? I was doing that for awhile then everything went quite. I haven’t been checking on feed updates from the author or whats going on with his current work, anyone know? I’ll check back to see.

  4. joshihiro says:

    they better have more than 12 episodes with the amount of time its taking to make the second season, and it better be better than the first one, quality included (not that its bad quality, but quality could allways be better)

    • HOTDFan says:

      You do realize that ‘they’ haven’t been doing all that much over the last 2 years. So even though all this time has gone by, it will have no bearing on how many episodes are released, if any. As far as the story goes, actually buy, then read the continuing manga. Its complete through chapter 29 and you’ll have an idea of how good its going to be. In my opinion, what we have seen already, is better than what is to come. As far as the quality of the anime goes, this one is top notch. And since it apparently did so poorly in Japan, some might say the suspected high cost of production is part of the reason there isn’t a season 2. But who knows.

  5. Carbon says:

    Takashi better get laid this season. Cut the poor bastard a break!

  6. adac says:

    so excited for season 2

  7. shiki.k says:

    they really are taking there sweet time about this arent they! it was meant to be out a year ago acording to rumours and there still hasnt been an offical date yet so it might still be another year before we see a season 2. 🙁

  8. Jeroen Huijer says:

    They really need to hurry up… I CAN’T WAIT ANY LONGER

    • helmiyops says:

      we have ta be patient… lets all that waiting be. better hope the show be good. besides, the creator are in the progress of making the continued episodes of HOTD. go find through sites or youtube whats going on, the creators are trying to make the anime in a much more better quality and more vehicles and weapons for the show. Don’t waste time on complaining about them and give some respect if you really want to continue watching HOTD. they are the one that made the show after all 😀

  9. Franklyn says:

    Fuckin awsome i hope they know wat the r doin and if i hav see season 2 i want 3 too

  10. onjiez says:

    This is EPIC! Can’t wait for H.O.T.D. Season 2.

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